Guarantee Policy

Guarantee In General

We guarantee everything we make, repair, or sell for 1 year from the date of delivery unless otherwise notated here or in writing to the customer. This means we guarantee such things as stones from falling out or becoming loose and the parts that we made or repaired will not break in the areas in which we worked.

Watch repairs are guaranteed for 12 months on our work.

We are unable to warranty watch work if the watch is unable to seal out water and dust, a problem for watches.


Items not guaranteed

1. Glued items.

2. Enameling

3. Lead solders that do not have a special "patch" support.

4. Gold or Rhodium plating.

5. Loss of any prong set stone that has 3 or less prongs.

6. Loss of any round stone over 1/2 carat unless it is set in a six prong gold setting or a four prong Platinum setting.

7. Loss of any prong set stone unless it has the following number of prongs. (Or unless they are set in Platinum)

                  Cut              # of Prongs
    • Emerald Cut    4
    • Oval                     6
    • Marquis             6
    • Pear Shaped    5
    • Heart                  5
    • Trillion              Must have "V" prongs

We do not assume responsibility of the loss of a single diamond and expensive colored gemstones above 1 carat. Customer should have stone appraised and covers by a jewelry rider with their homeowners insurance.

8. Prong set stones that have thin prongs, missing prongs, or stones that are set crooked, leaving a much shorter prong on one side of the stone than the other.

9. Bead setting where the beads are badly worn or some beads are missing or stones that are set crooked, leaving part of the girdle of the stone to be sticking up beyond the surface of the metal.

10. Channel setting where either the channel is very thin, torn, not straight across the stones OR there is no support underneath the channels to hold them together. Example: No cross wires or support to keep the channel from pulling away leaving the stone to loosen up or fall out.

11. Bezel setting where the bezel is too thin, torn, or the stone is set crooked and is not all of the stone is held in by the bezel.


Specific Item Guarantees
Ring Sizing
1. If we size the customer's actual finger and the size is incorrect, we will resize the customer's ring at NO CHARGE within 30 DAYS from the Date of Delivery. If we did not get to size the customer's finger and the ring was either a casting, special order sale from us, we will resize the ring once at no charge, within 30 days of the delivery date from our store.
2. If we size a ring to the customer's requested size and that size is incorrect, we will charge again to resize the ring. (Example: We think the customer should wear a size 5 and the customer requests a 6 and after sizing it's too loose, we will charge again. In such cases, mark clearly on the envelope "Per Customer Request".)
3. We can only guarantee our ring sizing from the customer's finger. We cannot be given another ring to go by for size and be accurate.
4. The ring size on a ring will not change, but because a customer's finger can become larger or smaller because of diet, medication, the weather or weight change, we can only guarantee ring sizing for 30 days from the date of delivery of the ring.


Tightening & Checking

1. Tightening stones: Our extra fee charged to check & tighten stones will warranty against stone loss as long as the stones are set as described on page 1400-36. Without the extra charge to tighten stones (as described in our price book for tightening stones), we do not warranty the stones against loss, unless we actually set the stones, except for ring sizing, 0-4 stones, which is covered as long as the stones are set as described on page 1400-36.

2. "Checking Links" - When asked to "check links" on rivets, chains, bracelets, clasps, etc., we cannot guarantee their loss or durability. Many items can not be checked without taking them completely apart. This will cause the item to have to be repaired just because of the disassembly. Many items that are wearing "OK" today may have a problem days or weeks later. We can only guarantee items that we actually repair; not ones that we visually inspect.

3. Retipped prongs on stones- We can not guarantee the loss of a stone when we do not retip or reprong all of the prongs when we deem it necessary to repair all of the prongs or tips.


Gems & Diamonds

1. We do not guarantee that a diamond or gemstone, once taken out of our store will not chip, break, scratch, or fracture. No stone, including a diamond, can be guaranteed not to break, chip, scratch, or fracture. We strongly suggest insuring your jewelry with your homeowners policy. They will pay for damage.

2. We can not be responsible for the further fracture or damage to stones or diamonds that are received from the customer that are already damaged, chipped, broken, or have large inclusions or imperfections. We will inform the customer of these items before proceeding with the repair or installation work.


Refund and Exchange Policy

Showcase Items

1. We will refund or exchange any item that was sold by us as a stock item from our showcase within 30 days of delivery, as long as it was not altered from its original showcase condition. Ring sizing is excluded as a condition.

2. A Special Order item normally can not be refunded. If the vendor where we bought the item from will either accept the item from us as a credit or issue us a refund, then we can issue a refund to our customer for the item within 30 days of delivery from our store.


Special Items

We will exchange or remake (No Refunds) any item listed below within 30 days of delivery:

1. Cast items from wax, either a showcase wax or hand carved. Will remake one time only.

2. Items specially ordered for the customer from an outside vendor.

3. Handmade items whether fabricated or casted.

4. Showcase or stock items that have been altered in any way other than ring sizing.


Remake Items

1. There will be no additional charges to remake an item except those that would have been incurred by the customer in the beginning, as long as the item is remade within 30 days of the delivery date.

Ex: If a customer who spent $400 in the beginning has something remade that now costs $550, then the additional charge would be the difference of $150.00.

2. If, after remaking the item, the amount that would have been spent is less than the original price, we will refund only the product bought (diamonds, gold, gems, etc) as long as they are in original condition. Chains that have been cut to fit and such are not refundable.

The customer will be issued an "in-store credit for labor and products that are not refundable. An in-store credit can be used like money in our store to purchase other items or can be used to purchase our services or labor.


Deposit on Cad/Cam Designs

1. Computer Aided Design (CAD) is the newest and one of the best ways to design and manufacture jewelry. Because of the expertise required to master this new technology and craft and because of the expense of the program, computer and mill:

There will be a $200 up front design fee for any design we create for the customer.

2. This fee is for the time of the designer to sit with the customer and create on a computer screen or paper a design. The fee is 100% creditable towards the manufacture of the ultimate piece for the customer. Once the manufacture is completed the customer will be credited with the $200.00 deposit payment.

3. If the customer decides not to have us manufacture the piece for them then the fee will be forfeited by the customer and is not usable as any credit in the store.

4. The deposit is only usable for 6 months from the date of initial payment. After 6 months the deposit will be forfeited.


Gift Items

1. If we make or sell something as a gift and we are not able to help that person decide on the item and the gift falls into one of the following categories, a refund will not be issued:

A. Cast items from wax

B. Items specially ordered from the customer from an outside vendor.

C. Handmade items.

D. Showcase or stock items that have been altered in any way other than ring sizing.

We will not issue a refund for those items mentioned. We will exchange or remake the item for the person receiving the gift at 50% of our regular labor charges to remake the new item within 30 days of delivery of the item. There will be no credit issued for the labor spent on the item previously.

2. Any showcase item or product (see the heading "Showcase items") can be refunded as long as the conditions are met as described, within 30 days of purchase.